Landscape Renovation
A Landscape Renovation can mean many things, as there are many levels of renovation possible. Sometimes, simply removing a few drab shrubs and adding some colorful bushes and flowers makes a world of difference. Often a mature, overplanted landscape can impede pedestrian traffic and block important sight lines. In these cases, less is definitely more and major removals – even with no additional planting – can eliminate clutter and create a more appealing landscape. Of course, proper gardening maintenance practices can act as a sort of renovation in and of themselves. If a site has been poorly maintained over a number of years, our experienced and diligent gardeners can quickly create a renovated appearance. As our name may imply, we specialize in landscaping with a Japanese influence. Whatever your own situation, our experienced eye can maximize your landscaping budget.
Large Tree Care and ‘From Scratch’ Landscaping
We are a specialized operation that takes pride in beautiful and efficient grooming of larger properties. For other services that we do not offer like: large tree pruning, ‘from scratch’ landscaping and irrigation system installation, we are able to draw on our many years of business in the valley and refer clients to the best alternate choices available.
Flower Displays
Various studies have proven that for commercial properties, colorful landscapes draw consumers and put them at ease, increasing walk in traffic and customer loyalty. Although annual flower displays represent a recurring cost, they can often be implemented with only a nominal start-up expense. They are malleable and can be easily altered and renewed yearly. They represent one more potent marketing tool – the cost to benefit from the use of annual flowers and colorful shrubs on any landscape can be significant.